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Pakistan: Minerals, Mountains & Majesty

SKU: GBK1024 | 3893 Total Views

1 pcs
Approx. Weight  430.91 Grams

Approx. Dimensions 11.50 x 8.10 x 0.30 in

Owner's Description  

Paperback: 96 pages

Publisher: Lapis International, LLC (June 2004)


ISBN-10: 0971537143

ISBN-13: 978-0971537149

For millennia, minerals and gemstones have been gathered and traded from the countries surrounding present-day Pakistan. While the Karakoram Mountains hosted portions of the Silk Road and other routes over which gems and minerals were traded, Pakistan's magnificent gem deposits were for the most part left undiscovered until the 20th century. Since then, a few daring miners, collectors and dealers have challenged the extreme climate, daunting terrain and rocky political landscape to bring the world some of its finest mineral treasures.

No. 6 in the popular extraLapis English mineralogical monograph series, Pakistan - Minerals, Mountains & Majesty is packed with unmatched locality information, detailed maps, stories behind the finds and of course unforgettable photographs.


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